Tuesday 26 April 2016

My First Love: Perfume

perfume ( pronounced) |ˈpəːfjuːm|
noun [ mass noun ]
a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to give a pleasant smell to one's body(Oxford Dictionary).

Perfume was a major part of my right of passage from moth to butterfly. Perfume, make-up, lingerie and heels were high up on the list in transit from adolescence to woman. Perfume to me is the quintessential mark of femininity. It is a means of self-expression and silent communication. It says: I am this kind of woman. 

My fascination with perfume started in my early teens when I discovered promotional scents placed in magazines. I would cut the folded edges and place it in my drawers and in inside books. As a teen body spray and communal lotion was the limit of my reality. That small problem, however, did not stop my wild imagination and the picture of my adult self-spritzing perfume from fancy containers; en-route to my dream date. Cue music, tv commercial director, lights, camera a call to action. Followed by me stepping out of a stretch Limo doing a beauty queen wave. 

Fast forward to the present and I have a significant perfume collection, save tv ad and minus a few lights. When I enjoy something such as perfume, makeup, nail polish, clothes, and music; I collect it. It brings me joy so I collect it in various forms. What one of my friends call: “your problems”. The perfume is, however, is a problem I do not at all mind having. 

Bath and body products, naturally, are some of my favourite things. When I find one that I love it is quickly added to my favourites list. When I was offered the new range of Lux products that contain actual perfume I was curious. I was given two of the ranges to try and I Loved both. Usually, I try and stick to unscented body washes because I find the fragrances to be less balanced and at times not at all pleasant. They tend to lean toward air freshener instead of perfume. What I love about Lux products is that the perfumes smell like perfume

Perfume, to me, is 'silent speech'. It is an extension of myself sort of like a circle beyond my body. This extended space is the point fo first contact. So, in silence, I give the first indication about me. Using fragrance I say something specific about me. Often the message I try to send is gendered and says: I am a woman. So, it becomes a defining factor in my feminity. Since I enjoy stating the fact that I am a woman I enjoy doing it with fragrance.  

When I smell great people actually notice and comment that I smell great. They often will ask which perfume I am wearing. It certainly is a positive nudge for me to feel great. It is a confidence booster. 

I am curious as to how other women experience fragrances? What does perfume mean to you? How often do you use it? How do you feel when you use perfume? Does it make a difference in your life? 

Love Naturally 


Monday 18 April 2016

Be A: She Who Dares with LUX

Link to the movie: Watch it here
She Who Dares

Scene 1: A handsome hunk’s focus is shifted by the scent of a woman. His genuine and honest voice leads a beautiful story of love at first sight. He stumbles over words and phrases struggling to make sense of his awe and familiarity with the beautiful stranger in his gaze. The female actress in the background is a young, fearless beauty. The admiring hunk opens with: “It was your fragrance, that's what hit me first…you know, how when you look at the moon and there’s a glowing ring around it. An aura of purple and gold. Your fragrance (inhales and exhales deeply) was like that somehow, but because of it…it made you stand out to me…it made you an interesting someone…”

His voice continues to describe the girl as:

“…a she who dares to jump from things and into things and live wildly like a messy force of nature. Listening to no one and spinning and pushing and pulling like a fast moon around a sleeping planet. I don’t know what I’m saying, you know. I don’t know where I’m going with this. But. Last night you were like a moon with a glowing neon ring around it. And when you gave me your number…”

My heart melted at “an aura of purple and gold”. 

Scene 2: In the final few seconds of the movie the girl giggles and says: “I’m glad you called”. 

You then realise that this was a retrospective take on the first night of magic. A memory told in a phone conversation between these young lovers. The images in scene one are first of the meeting and then the time spent after this call. The male voice is soft and genuine filled with admiration, gratitude even. The scenes are real, depicting how a typical couple would meet in a bar with friends giving noticing glances and whispers. This love at first sight story inspired by Perfume as the catalyst feels real and true. 

What I loved about the story is that the girl is in control and indeed brings into motion what follows. She is bold and unafraid to give her number. Her dauntless nature is what makes this movie special. It is the story about a “She Who Dares…” It is a movie that depicts reality. It is on point in every single way. 

What is even more special about this short film is the background development. This production is a product of the collaboration between Unilever South Africa and Mo Films. These two brands created a developmental platform to train young upcoming directors and writers. One of these young stars, Jonathan Sidego, created this Lux film: She Who Dares. A love ignited by perfume. 

The Story: 
A free-spirited, hip and happening young black woman appears and commands the attention of a guy who is in awe of her entire being. Her Lux perfume draws him and he is totally taken by her.  She is refreshing, funny, free and wild. This story is beautifully told and skilfully crafted to bring together the elements of how when one feels beautiful, one can be a “She Who Dares”.

When you look and smell great your outlook is more positive. When you bounce positive signals they are more likely to find other positive connections. How you feel about yourself is part of your aura. Adding perfume to your daily routine is now easier than ever. Lux perfumes help simplify your beauty routine by adding perfume to your bath. 

The amount of effort I invest in my daily routine depends on my mood and what is lined up on any given day. Here’s what never changes: how I smell. Perfume for me is a powerful tool in a woman’s arsenal. For many people the olfactory sense decides who and what we like, just as our minds subconsciously analyses and make decisions. Often in crowds and in confined spaces the thing we do notice about people is how they smell. You can pass a stranger on the street and never notice what they are wearing but you will experience how they smell and that is what you will remember. It is the first impression you make and it stays where you were for a few hours after you have left and eventually forever etched into the memories of other people. Make positive memories by spreading a scent that is true to you. A scent that will leave positive memories when you have gone. Be a LUX woman: A “She Who Dares” to live life without fear. Melt someone’s heart when you pass by. 

I love everything about this movie. I love the way it was made and I LOVE the fact that the content is real, it is current and that it is local. I love the fact that these brands are investing in local talent instead of just importing unrealistic images. I LOVE the fact that the script was done by this young director and the fresh nature it ended up being. The content is clear, crisp, current and relevant. I love how the ‘voice’ of the young man comes through. This really is a very cool piece of art. I am usually very critical about how Global brands use a one size for all formula. It is crazy cool that big brands are thinking and doing 'local'. What's more is that when this local content is done to such a high standard it is cause for celebration. 

Love Naturally to Unilever, Mo Films, and J Sidego. 
Silk Helmet Lady

Monday 11 April 2016

Argan Smooth Pressing system