Saturday, 19 December 2015

Lesson 8

Lesson 8: Finger combing helps with curls. 
Brushes and combs unwind your curls. If your goal is straight hair then brushing and combing is fine. If your goal is curls then get away from these two tools. At first finger combing your whole head seems a massive task but eventually it becomes easier. Start with four sections and work on one section at a time. Divide that section further if you must and work your way around your head.

For an a video instruction See Napturally85 here on Youtube:

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Lesson 7: Moderation is key

Overdoing any one thing will cause problems. You will have to experiment until you find the right balance between process and products.
My first attempt at being natural was a disaster. I knew very little and was doing a lot of things that were not good for my hair. The first mistake I made was to wash my hair every day. Every night my curls would get bombed by my pillow and I used a daily shampoo and conditioner to try and maintain a well groomed look. Next I tried the no-poo route when I decided that the shampoo was way too drying and for a period of about six months I used a popular cleansing conditioner instead. My hair looked like a fuzzball. Oil was another one of the overdone things. I experimented with using oil treatments and leave in oils. I found that pre-poo oils are fine but the oils in conditioner are usually enough to keep my hair healthy. The leave-in conditioner is key to set good curls. Once the curls eventually air dry they will last for a few days. 

After months of experimenting with often conflicting advise I found a balance of a once per week shampoo and conditioner. A deep conditioner. A leave in conditioner. I set my curls and wear them for an entire week until wash day. 

I had some success with the max hydration process but it did loosen my curls. I have never actually gone one full round with the max hydration process, which would be the recommended seven cycles. My view is that the results of the smoother hair is due to the extremes in Ph both acidic and alkaline. I also do not like the fact that the Cherry lola causes carbon dioxide. I found out the hard way that banana has seeds that can get stuck in your hair. Overall, I do not like the severity of the Ph and the sliding between these two extremes. I have adapted some of the max hydration and the specific steps that I do like and have been very happy with the results.

I have tried various natural smoothing things. From a coconut cream, okra gel, flaxseed gel, clay, rice flour, rice vinegar name it and chances are I have tried it. Some worked better than others but they are limited to the temporary effect of a conditioner. 

Knots for days

Lesson 6: Make peace with the knots

There will be knots

A hair knot

Knots and tangles are a part of natural hair. I found mini-twists to be the source of single strand twists. Since I stopped regularly wearing them my knots have decreased significantly. I have used a needle in the past to undo single strand knots but no longer do so. I stopped twisting my hair and the knots reduced. Curly hair is forgiving and in coils the knots aren't an issue.You will still feel them when you straighten your hair but you could ignore them.

Types of hair knots

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Give Away by Smooth 'N Shine Schwarzkopf

Schwarzkopf Smooth 'N Shine is giving one lucky reader an early Christmas gift.

The give-away contains the following products containing Moringa & Olive Oils:
Deep Moisturising Shampoo
Detangling Lotion
Leave-In Softener
Wonder Spray
Nourishing Hair food
Smooth 'N Shine pink hair towel

Beautifully packed in a carry bag

To Enter to win this wonderful prize please send us your selfie and tell us what you love about your natural hair.

Love Naturally
Silk Helmet Lady

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Lesson 5- Keep Your Scalp Clean

Lesson 5: Cleansing is essential

Image: Gentle Approach

You do have to cleanse your hair at least once every 1-2 weeks using a shampoo. Yes, there are different types of shampoos and you may prefer one over the next but do not omit shampoo from your routine completely. Co-washing is fine but you need to cleanse your scalp regularly. 

My favourite shampoo by Naturalmente
Shampoo is meant to be applied on your scalp not your hair. This made a massive difference in the condition of my hair. The shampoo on your scalp is enough to clean the length of your hair when it runs down during the rinse. 

Rinse well when you do shampoo your hair. A part of the problem with the drying factor of shampoo is that it is not rinsed out properly. I typically rinse shampoo at least three times. 

Some naturals advocate for the use of purified water. They say that it promotes healthier hair and also help with getting over growth plateaus. Perhaps use purified water for your final rinse. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Lesson 2, 3 & 4

Lesson 2: Get creative with hairstyling. Learn to tuck away unruly bits and let the well defined ones do all the work. Hairstyling option are endless so familiarise yourself with a few looks and practice these till you perfect them.  

Lesson 3: Styling in sections will save your sanity.

Lesson 4: Don’t try and do a hairstyle two hours before an event, ever.

Drying time
Drying time from soaking wet to completely dry will vary based on your hair length and your choice of styling. I don’t like blow-drying my afro, I much prefer to air dry it. Drip drying shoulder length hair takes between 24-48 hours. Products increase drying time. So experiment with amounts of product versus drying time. Also, I have found that in coastal conditions my hair dries in half the time. Here on the highvelt I’m in for a solid 48hrs. I like the big bushy look and thus I have to plan my hair if I want to wear it out at a particular time. So, If I have an event in the evening I have to set my hair early in the morning to get maximum drying time and volume by nightfall. 

The shrink
Oh the shrink, on my hair is at about 50%. In full coils my hair looks half the length it actually is. When it was short I wanted it long. Now that its long I miss some of my short hairdo’s. Thats life. The shape of growth is sideways (often referred to as the mushroom) until the hair becomes heavy enough to weigh itself down. For this reason transitioning may actually be easier. For me the weighing down only happened at about 2.3-3 years of natural growth. Hairstyling the mushroom look can be a challenge as you may not be able to neatly pull all the hair into a single ponytail or bun. A possible option is to style your hair into separate sections instead of one uncomfortable teeny weeny pony. Or worse still a massive bunch of hair where the only option is a wrist size scrunchy over once to hold it in place.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Due Natural

This article is the third segment of transitioning hair. If you want more information on what to consider when thinking of transitioning; including some styling options then please read the two previous blog posts. Once you are decisioned about your hair whether natural or transitioning the information below is a list of things I have compiled as useful information guide to help you in your natural endeavour. 

Due Natural
A full head of natural hair can be an absolute surprise. Whether you are in transit or on the natural road the look, the actions, the reactions can be very different to what you had imagined your own hair to be. It will either crack you up or it will be eye watering. My suggestion is that you try and laugh instead of cry.

I have indeed cried a few times at a failed hairdo and I have been party to the tears of others. Natural hair is unpredictable. At every growth stage it will act differently. It will react to products, process, temperature and the like. 

At the start of my natural road I had imagined a stunning head of curls that were perfect ringlets about a 5c size. I saw myself with this stunning head of hair just waiting to be revealed. Once my hair took shape I was shocked to find that most of my curls were actually about .5mm. I discovered that I had tightly curly hair that seemed absolutely unresponsive to a wash n go. It felt like the YouTube vloggers had been put there just to frustrate me. Yes, some of my imaginings have come to pass, the rest is filed into the “really now?” section of lessons I did not have to learn along with the rest of my unrealistic expectations. 

Lesson 1: Discover what is there instead of what is not. Life becomes really simple after that point.

Love yourself. Love what you have and be thankful for what you have and where you are today. We tend to over analyse and be way too self critical. Let go of the negativity and invest in positive speak, positive thoughts and actions. Learn what you do not know. Practice what you want to learn. Make mistakes if you must but keep going. 

I have three different textures of hair on my head that responds individually to whatever I do. The nape of my neck has soft beautifully defined curls. The centre has coarse and unruly ones. The front is a mix of smooth on the side and not so smooth right in front of my face. 

Some days all of it looks good and I can wear it out. Other days I have to be creative to tie or tuck the undefined sections and still get a great look. The drying process and the exact shrink setting is never the same. So I only know what it really looks like when it is completely dry. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The Mandy Expedition: Introducing ... The Curlfriend Sessions

The Mandy Expedition: Introducing ... The Curlfriend Sessions: I am so excited to announce that not only will I be involved with The Cape Town Hair & Beauty Show this year, but I will also be hosting...

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Phenomenal Women of SA: Natalie Abrahams

Meet the phenomenal Natalie Abrahams author of Get up and Go on. 

We are all the lead actors in our own lives. Everyone has memories that we will treasure forever and wish we could pause and relive. Some of these may be great moment others we could fast forward, postpone and or skip altogether. It takes a certain kind of courage to offer a window into ones most private moments. This author shows her chutzpa with a candid offering of her life.

The following feature is a powerful account of courage, persistence and faith. Natalie Abrahams is a women who has come full circle in her life in finding her feet, her way and finally her voice to tell this amazing story. It was in the expression of herself that she found the birth of an author. In “Get up and Go on” Natalie narrates her coming of age in an open and candid offering. Natalie first describes her township upbringing of a nostalgic past. Her life as a teenager filled with the folly of youth tells her successes and her mistakes. She opens up about her family, marriage and motherhood against the backdrop of township life in South Africa. She offers herself in all spheres of her life as a child in her family, a mother and wife in her own family. Finally finding her feet as a community activist, life coach and more recently a self-published author. She deals with womanhood, love, relationships and spirituality and her challenges and successes in pursuit of her life-long dream of being an author. 

This autobiography is meant as a workbook. To delve into the view of another while analysing the self. It offers various perspectives that will resonate with you as you move through her various life phases. What it also does is to offer the opportunity for the reader to reflect back on themselves. Ultimately leading to some piercing questions and a myriad of emotions. 

In this interview I talk to Natalie about her person, her persona, her family and her perspective of beauty in relation to herself as well as her beautiful daughter. The book Get up and Go on is available in selected bookstores and three lucky readers will receive a signed copy. This phenomenal life coach and motivational speaker is available for function bookings. Please see the details below. 

Click on the page link here for the full interview:
The full interview

Love Naturally
Silk Helmet Lady

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


A woman who does not wear perfume has no future” - Coco Channel

I have loved perfume since the first time I found a promotional scent folded on the edge of Cosmopolitan magazine at age 15.  When I thought about this article my first instinct was to tally my perfume collection.  My first scan concluded that I am running low. The final count came in at 17 variants at present. I have a hierarchy of about three at the top followed by a middle section of next best and finally the rest at the base of the triangle of fragrances that I do enjoy albeit less seldom. Perfume is an integral part of my feminine being. It is the most regular part of getting dressed. I may skip make-up, earnings and other peripheral things but I seldom if ever skip perfume.

Sometimes when I want to enhance the scent of a particular perfume I would use the shower gel and or powder of the same brand and variant of scent. I really do not like roll-on and or underarm sticks. I hate the way they cake and create stains. Instead I opt for fragranced bath gels and water based spritzers. The fragranced gels clean and leave a lovely scent. A spritzer works just as well and dries with zero residue and is also light enough not to conflict with whatever else I decide to wear. One or two sprays under each arm is more than sufficient for me. I know some women may have stronger smells and may think they need a harder working underarm but particularly bad odours can be treated and managed. Excessive sweating can be controlled. Do speak to your doctor about the available options. Odours are caused by bacteria that feed off the sweat instead of the sweat itself. See what the team from The Doctors recommend here:

Back to our perfume discussion. Recently I received the new Lux Sheer Twilight Fragranced Body Wash to review. I opened the packaging and was blown away by the fragrance. The scents of black orchid, floral Juniper, Amber and Vanilla were just stunning. This amazing combination of scents was formulated by Nicole Mancini for Lux. The price of the product is a steal at R21.99 for 200ml, R34.99 for a 400ml and R54.99 for 750ml. 

The consistency of the gel is thicker than a typical shower gel. The Colour a rich purple as seen on the packaging. The bathing experience a thick foam that spreads beautifully and leaves a really nice scent on the body. The first time I tried it I only used the shower gel and did not use any other scents. I was surprised that even after I dried the perfume was still there. I applied an unscented body lotion and the smell lingered for hours. 

I am not crazy about bar soaps as they tend to have a slightly higher ph that can leave the dry cracked feeling. liquid soaps tend to be more balanced and this one in particular left no dryness. 

For many years LUX has been endorsed by big stars. What I loved about the 8hours of bold campaign is that they used local women. Products with a local voice and flavour do deserve more attention because they are investing in local people. In the very least they are taking the time to try and make it relevant.  See the campaign footage here of : 

Facebook LuxSouthAfrica
Instagram: @Lux_South Africa
Youtube: LuxSouthAfrica
Twitter @LUX_SA

Love Naturally
Silk Helmet Lady

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Styling Transitioning Hair

Styling during the transitioning period need not be a massive job. Decide on a particular look and get the info on how to achieve it. It can be as simple as first, second and done. That way you are dealing with a specific process and you have clear guidelines on a then b then c. Experiment with getting on top of one process before you move onto trying the next one. That way your target is set and you can go yay or nay and move on from there. DIY can be intimidating mostly due to the uncertainty that comes with having to decide on the next step.

The biggest part of your process will be detangling your hair. Processed hair tangles a lot. It is much more apparent when you have the two textures to compare. The processed ends are much finer and more likely to mat. Sectioning your hair may be a pain. Completely detangling it may be just as frustrating. Start with four sections and work with one at a time. Further section a quarter into slivers and detangle ends to roots. Always working in a downward motion never in an upward one. As processed hair can have damaged cuticles and reversing the direction can lift the scales on the hair and cause havoc. 

You can use a comb/ Denman type brush or your hands. I prefer my hands but this took me a while to get used to. So don’t put pressure on yourself. Go from easy to more complex.

Whatever you do, do not wash your hair as is often shown in TV ads. You will be sorry as the mating that happens with transitioning hair will be made worse. Section and shampoo. Clip and move on. try and wash your hair upright. You can tilt your head forward and over into a basin especially if you have shorter hair,  but with length this will create more tangles than is necessary and is totally avoidable. 

The easiest way to style transitioning hair is by braids or twists. Depending on the length of your hair and the look you want, experiment with one of these till you find the one you like best. 

A braid or twist

Option 1) cornrow your hair in horizontal rows and set to dry. 2) Flat twist triangles (asin a cut pizza shape) and set to dry 3) Single-strand twist and set to dry 4) bantu knots

Flat Twist

Knots/ Bantu Knots

Once these are dry- you can undo the plaits/twists and create a simple style. 

The amount of variation with braids and twists are endless. They come on a sliding scale from very laid back all the way to dress up. shop around for look online to find what works for you. 
Sumetra Reed- Natural Metra has several amazing vlogs on Youtube that show clear  visuals on how to create amazing hair
See her do her magic here.

The endless styling options

Maintenance: You can then just use a satin bonnet to preserve this style for a few days or 
You can redo the braids, twists or knots as a nightly routine and undo it in the morning. 
Do a quick style and your out the door. 

The Not So ‘wash n go’

Here the point of the process is to style your hair in curls or coils while wet, leave to dry and either wear it as is for a few days or style the curls when dry to a hairdo. 
Wash n go’s are often misrepresented as a quick and easy way to style but this is not the case. Unless you have very sleek smooth curls that just appear and are defined on their own you will have to do a few things to get your curls to a defined state. 

The way this process works is 1) to cleanse and condition. 2) detangle 3) rinse. 4) add a leave in and or a gel. 5) set your curls by either combing them in your hair or using your fingers to set small sections. Either by smoothing your hair between the palm of your hand. Alternatively taking every single stand of curl and smoothing it individually. It takes a long time. Especially if you are new to this process. I suggest you try it when you have at least 1.5 hours to get through the process. The last thing you want is to try this at 6am when you have to leave the house at 6:30. The processed bits of your hair may not form a curl, particularly if it has been relaxed. The more growth you have the better the overall look will be. 

Flexi-rods, rollers and knots

Another useful skill to master is a flexi rod set. It may take a few tries before you figure it out but its well worth the struggle. Also, other types of rollers give a wide variety of curls that can help during the transitioning period. The reason it is useful is that it helps to blend the two different textures. It stretches out the coily parts of the hair to give the look of even curls.  Also if you have very coily curls the size of skewers as I do then this is a useful way to get bigger curls. Do check out a tube video or two till you get the hang of this one. 

Things you want to reduce or avoid: 

Chemicals that will change the texture of your hair. Unless you have consciously decided to change the texture of your hair note that permanent hair dyes, texturises, and most chemicals with extreme points of alkali substances will change the texture of your hair. It will compromise the protein bonds of your hair and will lead to some kind of damage. 

Heat is a potential factor of damage to all hair. Natural hair is susceptible to heat damage and can become limp and dry from extreme heat exposure. Use heat protectants but most of all guard against very high temperatures. If you do want to use heat try and keep it as low as possible to avoid burning you hair. Avoid heat damage at all cost as heat damage cannot be repaired. The only way to mend it is with a scissor. 

Washing your hair in a hurry will cause a lot of frustration. Detangling natural coily hair is a time-consuming task. Be patient and do not resort to wild combing to speed up the process. You will break your hair. If you opt for finger detangling know it require more time. Do not pull tangles out with force. Slow is your friend. 

Things you want to do:

Curb breakage- Natural hair is not indestructible, instead it is fragile. So handle it with care, be patient when detangling and styling. Satin bonnets and pillowcases will help protect your hair from breakage. Do your hair when your able to take your time instead of rushing though the process. Wet hair in particular tends to be elastic. While your natural hair will easily bounce back from a stretch your processed ends may not. Take care not to cause more damage to processed ends. Slowly trim them to reduce the risk of breaking the healthy lengths. 

Hairstyling is an art. Don't be discouraged if you do not succeed at first. The more you do it the better you will become. Think of it as walking. At some point in your life you learnt how to do it and now you barely think about the fact that it was something you had to learn. Have fun with your hair. If it does not work, just laugh and move on. Don't let it overwhelm you. Have a back up plan for fail days. A hat, a doek, a few hairpins can save the day. Just as you can use a broken cake to make cake pops or another dessert you can use a messed up hairstyle to create a nice pin-up. 

Love Naturally

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Are you in Transit?

The Basics of transitioning to Natural hair?

The next few articles will deal with all the major points en route to transitioning. The first article is dedicated to the decision to transition, The second styling transitioning hair and the third the interesting things I learnt both enrolee and during my natural hair stages. 

For some the choice may be simple for others not at all. Here are some things to consider if your thinking of signing on the transition contract. In short the process of caring for your hair from the basics to the extras. What to do and not do. The various products, styling options and other aids. Also, what to expect of your hair and finally some interesting things to keep in mind about natural hair. 

The first thing to consider and decide is if you would like to big chop and move on or if you would like to transition to an eventual big chop some time in the future. 

The Big Chop:

To big chop or to gradually get length and then big chop in essence transition is your first decision. There are pros and cons to both so consider what fits into your life since once that hair hits the ground there is no going back. Going big chop can be life changing or it can be just another day. This will depend on your motivation to chop as well as whether or not you have ever had a TWA. Women who like short hair and those who have had very short hair may actually not feel moved by this experience at all. For them it is a non-event and once done it is done. For me the first big chop was a big deal. It was an emotional event and I felt relieved and excited and when that first shower hit my head it felt forever changed. 

When I had processed hair I would mourn my hair for days. Going natural was still an emotional experience but the feelings were more relief and excitement than sadness. I felt like I had gained something instead of only losing a part of myself. 

If you are going big chop for the first time there is no way of knowing how you will react and or respond at the realisation that your hair is no longer there. So be resolved about your decision before you take the dive. 

Very Short hair

There are few things as liberating as having very short hair. The shorter the hair the more healthy it appears to be. Shorter hair appears more responsive and it will change as the hair ages and becomes more worn. My tightly coily short hair was a breeze to manage until it reached a mid afro state. Increased tangles, knots, product buildup, styling and all the rest can take a toll on your time and look of your hair.

The awkward growing stages:

Hair growth is a frustrating and slow process. Be mindful of this when you consider going big chop and factor a few years to grow length. There are clear recognisable growth points that will appear to allude you if length is your goal. Keep a photo diary to remind yourself of the changes. Otherwise you will feel eternally cheated by the growth chart. Your hair will appear to be a still life image for about a year. Often, many naturals become frustrated by feeling like their hair is not growing. So for arguments sake lets say you went brush cut, then you will have a twa, then below your ear, then you can pull it to your collar bone, then pull it to your shoulder and beyond. Note, I say pull because natural hair and particularly curly, coily and kinky hair can be very long and appear to be quite short. The power of shrinkage is real and it will frustrate you. You may want to use this to your advantage and enjoy the shorter looks for as long as possible because eventually your hair will get long and you will have new things to lament. At brastrap length my coils are only now reaching my shoulders. You can either enjoy this short look or you can use the various stretching techniques (twists  and braid outs)  to give a longer appearance. 

Setting hair goals:

It is a good idea to set some hair goals so that you can see the progress you are making and to actually appreciate where you are in relation to where you were. However, we often put way too much pressure on ourselves and so set unrealistic goals. Hair grows at a very predictable rate of about 2 to 2.5 cm per month. And on my fingernail 2cm gives me very long nails but on my head it does almost nothing. However, fast forward twelve months and you will see the difference so, be patient. It will grow. I recall one of my favourite videos by miss Longhairdontcare where she said: “Yes, Lord black hair does grow” She had waist length natural hair and got so tired of people questioning this fact and actually questioning if her hair was real at all. In some of her videos she actually had to part her hair to show her scalp in all sorts of direction as well as to get in the shower to show people that her hair does revert back to being curly since she often used heat. She was one of the first US vloggers that I followed and she was one of the first very long haired ladies who shared how she did it and was totally unapologetic about doing it her own way. She sadly passed from a bout with Lupus a few years ago. 

Setting goals need not at all be to grow long hair.  Healthy hair is just as valuable. Maintaining healthy hair can be a very rewarding change. You may want to explore healthier hair by moving to better products or treating a scalp condition or to make it part of your overall health. There are lots of options in the product space and they are not equal. So perhaps invest in better understanding of what is actually in the products you choose and how that is impacting your health. Or in the treatment options for specific scalp conditions. There are very many topics to explore in the natural health division so do become more savvy if these interest you. 

Taking care of your hair

Get to know what the basics of haircare. The quick view is that you have to aim to cleanse and condition your hair every week. You can stretch it to two weeks if you absolutely have to.  You can add stuff to this process but taking away from it is not a good idea. Your scalp needs to cleaned to maintain a healthy balance. Your hair will also thrive on more moisture. Your hair is exposed to the elements and it needs stuff (moisture and other treatments) to keep it from becoming straw. Yes, there are some people who have amazing hair and don’t ever use a conditioner but these lucky few are a minority. For the majority of us product and process is our saviour. 

The add ons:

There are several add-ons in a hair regime such as clay treatments, protein treatments, moisture masks. Clay treatments are used when one wants better curl definition, protein treatments are for overworked and frequently heat stressed hair. Moisture treatments are done to treat dryness and straw like hair. All of these depend on your preferences and desired outcomes. Further there are several stylers and sealants such as the gels, oils and wax used to finish a look or seal in your process. There are many of these products available on the market.  Here you will have to exercise discretion with trial and error and to find the ones you like. 

These few points listed above covers the basic decisions you will have to make when starting on a new regime. The next article deals with Styling options once you have gone past step one. Followed by my list of interesting things to expect once you have gone natural. 

Love Naturally

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Naturalmente Intensive Hydrating Treatment: Fennel and Geranium Review

First Impression:

The Old packaging
The New packaging
The old brand packaging is my only issue with this product. The conditioner however at least had the first line in English as “deep hydrating” with the description: intensive hydrating treatment fennel and geranium”. The rear description reads: “vegetal and mineral intensive hydrating treatment ideal for dry, coarse, dull and chemically treated hair” It is further described to have “deep penetrating action from the vegetal extract and essential oils”. The brand has introduced new packaging that is much clearer and is certainly a big plus. 

First Use: 

At first use I loved the product and was subconsciously swayed by the liquorice scent of the fennel. One of the things I adore about the Naturalmente brand is the use of natural oils for scents. The geranium and fennel work well in this product to give a subtle fragrance of floral liquorice that I really enjoy. 

I like the consistency of this product. Its a very thick creamy consistency as opposed to a fluid liquid. What this allows me to do is to mix it with some water to create a superb leave in conditioner. So I use it in two different ways. Either I apply it in the detangling process to get all the knots and tangles out. Rinse. Followed by the watered down mixture that I use as a leave-in. Alternatively, when I want a shorter wash process I apply the watered down mixture right after the shampoo. I then comb/detangle and leave the conditioner in my hair. The product absorbs beautifully and dries with absolutely no residue. My curls turn out beautifully every time and I then just air dry and wear my ‘not-so-wash-n-go’ for a few days. Sometimes seven days till next washday. 

My experience: 

What I like about this product is the smooth slip and rich consistency I get when working it into my hair. It serves several functions as a detangler, conditioner and a leave-in.  Used to set my curls it dries without a crunch, deposits moisture and help separate my curls are beautifully. I love this conditioner. It is a go to product for me. 

The Fennel and Geranium set from the Basics range and Naturalmente Balsamic mask as well as the Moisture mask in the Elements range are some of my favourite deep treatments. What I love about these products is the quality and exceptional high standard in the manufacturing process. I am very free to experiment on myself but I do want to feel sure when applying products on my children’s hair. Both my children have very sensitive and dry skin. With the use of Naturalmente products I have the necessary peace of mind and stunning results every time.  I use the Elements treatments as once per month deep treatment as well as prior to any heat styling. 

Love Naturally

water- needs no description
cetyl alcohol- is an emollient, thickener and binder. Is of coconut fatty alcohol origin and is not greasy. Is a good ingredient to have in a conditioner. 

behenamidopropyl dimethylamine- emulsifying and anti-static agent

benzyl alcohol- Preservative. An organic alcohol found in certain fruits and leaves. Can be irritating in large volumes, however most cosmetic application are considered safe. Is a good ingredient

sodium benzoate- Preservative. Foodgrade. Also a fine ingredient. 

sodium dehydroacetate- Preservative. Sourced from organic salt. Considered good. 

These ingredient descriptions and function are discussed in the shampoo review. 
foeniculum vulgare (fennel) oil
amyris balsamifera bark oil
santalum album (sandalwood) oil
salvia sclarea (clary) oil
pelargonium graveolens oil
lavendula hybrida oil
citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract
citrus medica limonum (lemon) peel oil
hydrolysed soy protein
lactic acid

Additional references: 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Green is the new Black

 The Naturalmente motto is: “…new attentive and eco-sustainable cosmetics that offer beauty without compromise!”

What sets Naturalmente apart is the use of plant based ingredients instead of synthetic substances, it is free from animal and petrochemical compounds. It also does not contain silicone, parabens, petrochemicals, artificial colours and SLS. 

Shampoo: Fennel and Geranium- moisturising and normalising

First impression: 
In 2014 I discovered this brand of products at a local health store while in search for organic and natural haircare alternatives. What attracted me to the brand was initially the layout and presentation of the products. The packaging is a little frustrating at first as it is not the easy glance and find type you typically have with haircare products. Some of the products have the bold print in Italian and english subtext. However, there is English text both on front and back which eased my shopping experience somewhat. I inspected every product on shelf and settled for Fennel and Geranium. I had found an all natural range and I was excited enough to try it the same day.

I brought the products home and went straight to my computer to do some research on the brand and the ingredients. I was sold on the manufacturing process all that remained was for me to try it out. 

First use:
When I first used the shampoo I was very surprised to find that it did not have the usual high foam and slip that is common in other products. The second thing that jumped out at me was that the fragrance of the product seemed different. It was not the typical highly perfume in most products it was a subtle herbal scent. I was intrigued by the experience and wanted to know why this was the case.

The Ingredients:
When I researched the ingredients I found that the reason the product acted differently is because it is made up of a plant base what uses a functional but very different approach to the selection and formulation of ingredients. The cleansers in the shampoo are zinc coceth sulfate and  cocamidipropyl betaine and decl glucoside- mild and non-irritating cleansers that act counter to the high volume foams in of an SLS basis. it contains several tonics, minerals, proteins and organic fragrances and some active oils. The scents are from rose geranium, fennel, clary, rosewood bark, lavender, sandalwood, orange peel oil,  Citrolellol and geraniol oil blends. 

The product also contains a blend of proteins: disodium capryloyl glutamate, hydrolysed soy and wheat. which are humectant,  emollients and moisturising and gives a smoothness to the hair shaft. The conditioning agents are sodium loivamphoacetate, glyceryl oleate, lactic acid, polyquaternium-10. All excellent conditioning agents. It also contains several minerals with skin conditioning properties. 

Things to note with essential oils and proteins are that they can cause skin irritation and or sensitivity with sun exposure. Essential oils offer many health benefits both in their active benefits as well as in their aromatherapy abilities. I do believe that there is tremendous value in scientifically formulated combinations of essential oils. Particularly the sources of these oils; workability in formulations as well as their concentrations. Think of essential oils as medicine. You want to get good quality as well as the right quantity in a product. Always check ingredients and if necessary test a product on a small part of your skin to ensure that you do not have sensitivity to any of the ingredients. The same goes for proteins. If you have a particular sensitivity to a protein it is advisable that you test a product that contains that particular item to make sure it is safe for you to use. 

My overall experience of the shampoo
The shampoo did a super job of cleaning my scalp and hair. I liked the fact that while I was scared of my hair being matted due to the fact that it had such a low slip factor this was not the case at all. I found that my hair was not stripped at all. I then followed the shampoo with the Fennel and Geranium conditioner which really made a quick job of detangling. The conditioner has plenty of slip and finger combing my hair was a breeze.  The combination of these two products really worked well. 

This particular shampoo and conditioner are my go to products. In between everything else I try and or use this is a regular in my hair pile. 

A note on using shampoo: 
Shampoo is meant to be used to clean the scalp. The product then runs off the hair in the rinse and this is sufficient to clean the hair. So when using a shampoo apply it onto your scalp and massage it with your fingers focussing on the root area. Second shampoos are usually imperative when SLS has been eliminated

Love Naturally
Love Green 

The Ingredients: Fennel and Geranium shampoo. 
Zinc coceth sulfate- is an alkyl ether sulfate. It is a mild surfactant of alkyl ether sulfates. Dual purpose of cleansing and conditioning with basic zinc. It is a lot less harsh than the typical Sodium Laureate Sulfate (SLS) typically found in shampoos that produces high foam volumes. (

Cocamidopropyl betaine- a mild non-irritating cleanser. Its purpose is to thicken a product and to tone down other cleansers in a product. It also serves as a moisturiser. (

Maris sal- mineral derived from sea water. has skin conditioning properties (cosmetic

Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel oil)- plant based. Functions as a tonic, emollient, alleviate and skin conditioning (

Pelargonium graveolens oil
scented plant based oil of rose geranium. Acts as a skin tonic and astringent. Not advisable for use to those with geranium sensitivity as it can cause photo sensitivity and irritation. Caution if you are allergic to this item. 

Salvia scalarea (Clary Oil) Plant based tonic and astringent

Lavendula angustifolia (lavender) oil- Fragrance derived from the lavender plant.

Amyris balsamifera bark oil -Is rosewood bark oil from the West Indies.  A plant based tonic that functions as a fragrance. 

Santalum album (sandalwood oil)- An oil of the Sandalwood tree that originates from India. Has emollient, moisturising, astringent, antibacterial and conditioning, anti-inflammatory, softening and calming properties. 

Citris aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil- is pressed from the peel of oranges native to Italy. Citrus is acidic and can be irritating to sensitive skin. It is also a tonic with soothing, moisturising, anti-dandruff and cleansing properties. 

hydrolysed soy protein- A liquid protein made from soy. 

hydroxypropyltrimonium hydrolysed wheat- A liquid protein made from wheat. Is an emollient and moisturiser. Functions as an anti-static and conditioner. Save for the those sensitive to wheat products this item has no other health concerns.

Protein- humectant, emollient and moisturiser. It smoothes the hair shaft and is often used in a processed form to aid absorption into the hair. 

sodium loivamphoacetate- Is an amphoteric (can be a base or an acid) organic compound. In a product it is conditioning cleansing agent. 

decyl glucoside- a gentle cleanser

coco- glucoside-non-ionic surfactant. Has cleansing, conditioning and thickening action. From renewable raw sources of coconut, corn and fruit sugars. 

glyceryl oleate- is a binder of glycerol and oleic acid. functions to condition, is very mild and has a smooth feel on the skin. 

disodium capryloyl glutamate- A multifunctional natural protein. Functions include deodorising, anti-inflammatory and anti-dandruff. Helps spread sebum on the skin. 

lactic acid- is a ph adjuster and humectant. Increases the moisture in hair. Is an ok item
polyquaternium-10- conditioning, detangling, thickening function. A good ingredient. 

Limonene- a combination of natural fragrances. 
sodium chloride- Salt. stabiliser, thickener and ph adjuster. Can be corrosive if left in the hair. however in a rinse off product at the bottom of the list its an ok item. 
Linalool-fragrance, with a Lilly scent. 
Citronellol- A fragrant oil naturally found in plant oils. A sweet, rose, leather and floral smell.    
Geraniol- a sweet floral scent made of rose, geranium, citronella and jasmine. 

*Most essential oils and essential oil blends can cause of irritation and or sensitivity with sun exposure. 

Ingredients References